Everyone who selects an event during this time frame has the same chance to receive it as everyone else. It is NOT based on first come, first served as long as your picks are made within the selection time frame.
The Minnesota PGA Junior Golf ‘Sota Series is proud to offer over 200 tournaments in Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Western Wisconsin. In order to provide ample playing opportunities to our members, we have devised a Tournament Selection Process, also referred to as a lottery, to ensure everyone has a chance to compete in the events they desire. The Tournament Selection Process is ONLY for the Minny/Prep/Junior Tour events.
Below is the process for the Tournament Selection. If you have any questions on the process, please contact Karla Hagen via email and Megan Welch via email or at 763-754-6641.
You must be an active member of the current years’ 2025 ‘Sota Series. To determine which tour is right for you, visit our tour pages on the menu above. Membership does not carry over from year to year. *Note, Players Tour is invitation-only.
You will receive a confirmation email for your membership with the date that the tournament schedule will be released. The Minny Tour, Prep Tour and Junior Tour event schedules will be released on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 9AM (CST). At this time, you will be able to see the dates and locations of all Minny/Prep/Junior Tour events and can start to rank the events you wish to play in and make your tournament selections in your 2025 Member account.
The tournament selection process runs from Thursday, March 20 – Wednesday, April 30 at 4:30 p.m. (CST). Members will be able to make tournament selections during this time period. This is not the same as registering for events. You are simply selecting and ranking the events you would like to play in. There is a possibility, however, that you could receive all your picks so please keep that in mind. Everyone who selects an event during this time frame has the same chance to receive it as everyone else. It is NOT based on first come, first served as long as your picks are made within the selection time frame. NO LATE SELECTIONS WILL BE HONORED. If you do not get your selections in on time, you can still sign up for events through the waitlist process outlined below. Events that don’t fill through the initial selection process will be added to the waitlist.
After the Tournament Selection Period has closed, the Minnesota PGA Junior Golf Staff will then sort through the selections and assign tournaments to players. You will start to receive emails the week of May 12th with confirmations for each event that you did receive. This is done event by event, so you will receive multiple emails throughout the assigning process. Your credit card on file will also be charged at this time for each event you receive. The cost for each 18-Hole Junior Tour and Prep Tour tournament is $40.00, and the cost for each 9-Hole Minny Tour and Prep Tour tournament is $20.00. We will only accept VISA, MasterCard and American Express payment for tournament fees. You will only be charged for the events that you did receive through the selection process.
After the tournaments have been assigned, the wait list period will then open. The waiting list for events that filled through the Tournament Selection Process will start on Monday, May 19 at 9:00 a.m. CST. Any event that is at capacity will have a waiting list. You are welcome to sign up for any and all events to get on that event’s wait list. Wait listing an event does not guarantee you will get entry into that event. The order you sign up for the wait list will determine the order in which players are let in. You will be notified by Minnesota PGA Junior Golf staff if you are placed into the event and will be charged at that time.
If an event did not fill during the Tournament Selection Process, you are welcome to sign up as you would like, no wait list required. You will be charged at the time of registering for these events. Events that do not fill through the Selection Process will open up again for first come, first serve registration for the open spots on Monday, May 19 at 9:00 a.m. CST.