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Terms and Conditions

SMS For Consent Communication

The information (Phone Numbers) obtained as part of the SMS consent process will not be shared with third parties for marketing purposes.

Types of SMS Communications

If you have consented to receive text messages from the Minnesota Section of the PGA of America, you may receive text messages related to (but not limited to) events, tournaments, registration, deadlines, partnership activations, etc.

Message Frequency

Our SMS message frequency will be from 50 to 1000 text messages daily across all users.

Potential Fees for SMS Messaging

Many carriers charge a fee for each message sent or received. This can vary depending on the carrier’s pricing structure and whether the message is sent domestically or internationally. Potential fees will be based upon each carrier’s pricing structure for each individual. Please refer to your own carrier to determine messaging fees, geographic locations and type of SMS messaging being used.

 Standard Messaging Disclosures

  • Message and data rates may apply.
  • You can opt out at any time by texting “STOP.”

Opt-In Language

I have elected to participate in a Minnesota PGA tournament. I hereby irrevocably and with full knowledge of potential consequences, waive any and all claims, causes of action, and all rights and remedies which I may have or my heirs, executors and administrators hereafter can, shall or may have against the Minnesota Section PGA of America or any agent instrumentally affiliated with the tournament I am registering for. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all parties affiliated with the tournament to use for any lawful purpose, any photographs, videotapes, biographical information or any record of this event, and receive communications regarding Minnesota PGA events and programs (Message and data rates apply). To opt out: please reply “STOP” and no further message will be sent from the Minnesota PGA.